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Radiology/Interventional Radiology
Our Goal
The Radiology Team is driven by the desire to provide professional, efficient, and high-quality services to all our patients.
Our Team
Dr. A. Ameeral - Consultant Radiologist
Dr. F. Rampersad - Consultant/Interventional Radiologist
Mr. S. Persad - Radiographer
Radiology Services
Our Radiology Department is located on the Ground Floor of the building.
CT Angiograms – Brain, Neck / Carotids, Heart (Coronary Arteries), Chest (Pulmonary), Abdomen (Aorta, Renal Arteries) and Extremities
Triple Phase Studies of the Liver and Pancreatic Protocol
Calcium Score – The measurement of the plaques in the arteries of the heart which helps to predict Cardiac Risks (Hear Attack Probability)
CT Guided Biopsies – Chest, Live and Abdominal Masses
CT Guided Drainage – Pleural effusions, pancreatic pseudocyts, abdomen collections, etc.
Virtual Colonoscopy - A minimally invasive procedure
Three Dimensional CT Scans for evaluation of fractures
CT IVP’s and sub-millimeter Scanning with sagittal and coronal views for kidney stones and kidney function
Doppler Ultrasounds – Carotids, Renal Arteries and Low
Fine Needle Aspiration (FNAC) – thyroid, breasts, etc.
Wire Localizations of breast masses
Ultrasound Guided Biopsies / Drainage
Dialysis Catheter Insertion (PERM Cath)
Uterine Fibroid Embolization
Lower Limb Angioplasty/Stenting
Central Venous Angioplasty
IVC Filter Insertion
Biliary Stenting
Opening hours:
Monday to Saturday; 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
For more information and appointments, please contact us at (868) 652-4958 EXT 9401