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Payment Policy
All Services:
We accept payments via Cash/Linx/Credit Card/Cheques
For queries regarding outstanding fees, please visit or call the Billing Clerk at (868) 652-4958 EXT # 9428 or email
In-Patient Care
A 50% deposit of the approximate cost is required on Admission.
Outstanding payments are to be paid before discharge.
Clients covered by a company are required to present all necessary documents on Admission
Guardian Life Claims
The following documentation is required for Guarian Life claims:
Precet form required for CT services of $500.00 TTD and over
Claim forms for:
Guardian Life - 80%, patient pays 20%
Medicard - 5%. patient pays 95%
TTRP - 10%, patient pays 90%
Unimed with Card - 5%, patient pays 95%
Med Access - Discount amount will be reflected on patient's card (claim form to be completed)